allowance n. 1.零用钱,给与额,津贴,补助,零用钱。 2.【机械工程】(加工)留量;配合公差。 3.斟酌,酌量;预留;容差;【商业】折扣。 4.默许,默认;承认。 5.【体育】给对方的让步。 an allowance of rice 给予一份大米。 a clothing [traveling] allowance 服装[旅]费。 short allowance 给予量不足。 a time allowance (给对方的)时间的宽限。 By your allowance I'd like to leave before you. 对不起,我要先走了。 at no allowance 无限制,尽性 (plunder at no allowance 大肆掠夺)。 make allowance for 1. 留有余地;斟酌,酌量,估量。 2. 原谅,体谅。 3. 扣除 (make an allowance of 10% for cash payment 现款九折)。 vt. 1.给…发津贴。 2.按定量供给。
17 no allowance for volume of hole enlargement 不包括井眼扩大的泥浆体积。
Thus , no allowance has been made for high rise buildings 因此,高楼大厦并不在考虑之列;
If there is no agreement , no allowance will be granted 如不能达成协议,则无人能获得该免税额。
His men talk to him at no allowance 他手下的人可随意同他说话。
No allowance for one month , 这个月没有零用钱
No allowance for 不许可,无限
Provided it is fulfilled , if the results are nil , no allowance for mitigation can be made in the amount of damages due to breach of contract 只要履行了义务,即使没有结果,也不得从违约赔偿金中扣除缓解矛盾金。
Maximum speed or data rate of a device or facility which makes no allowance for necessary delaying functions , such as checking or tabbing 设备或装置的最大速度或最大数据速率,其中不考虑必要的延迟作用,如校验、加标记等。
The first condition is that throughout the year of claim you must be single , divorced , widowed or if married , was living apart from the spouse . therefore , no allowance can be claimed for the year of marriage , divorce , death of spouse or separation with the spouse 如你在某课税年度内结婚办妥离婚丧偶或与其配偶分开居住,你不能在该课税年度申索单亲免税额,最快也要待下一课税年度才可得到单亲免税额。